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This is from Gene Flanagan on Facebook:

“Now… The Book!!!! I really don’t know how to express my amazement and joy listening to it!!!! Scott McKinley is a master!!!! He makes the story come alive in ways that, obviously, one must hear to understand what I mean. It’s like I am RIGHT THERE!!!! Just fantastic, Jude. I can only hope that you will consider Scott doing more audio books of your incredible series. To be true…..I’m a voracious reader and stubbornly old school when it comes to my books. I have to hold them, covers are taken off and stored in a safe place while I’m reading, no bent pages – that’s what bookmarks are for, etc, etc. BUT -------I COULDN’T PUT MY EARS DOWN listening to your audio book!!!!!! It is simply amazing and a true gift for all John Lennon fans. I have thanked you a million times privately for sending it to me.”

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Sara Schmidt

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